"Spread Feedback and Final Revisions"

 My final draft of the 2-page spread was based on my sole creativity and knowledge and was ready for peer edits (which is desperately needed). I had much good feedback, and also others that I felt were unnecessary and will showcase both types of feedback. Below is my current draft of the 2-page spread.

Peer Review 1: "Why not keep the quotations in the pull quote yellow to match your color scheme?"

I felt like that was a great piece of feedback that I could actually benefit from and implement into the spread. To give the color scheme more meaning, I thought that that would be something to add immediately, especially because it does not challenge my genre's conventions. On the contrary, the science genre encourages the use of a color scheme used often. The only thing probably not to do is have many different colors, which would end up confusing the reader instead of informing. I will definitely add this change to my final layout.

Peer Review 2: "Edit the photo to look more vibrant than the overdose of your heavy, dark colors..."

This was yet another example of a great piece of feedback that I could use to my advantage. I think that if I made the colorless vibrant, it would also give the question in the passage more probability and a different mood towards it. This also does not challenge my conventions, so I started to edit the image to use it to my advantage. The steps are below too.

I had to select my image from the "Pictures Library" since I had the image there.

I selected the image of the ice. I then proceeded to decrease the contrast to remove some of the darkness and set the contrast to negative 40.

After that, I increased the exposure to 19.

Vibrance makes the colors in the image more expressed, so the vibrance is decreased, so will the darkness in the image. Because of this, I decreased the vibrance to -63.

I also proceeded to decrease the saturation to -100, to give the image more of an icy-cold feel.

The image was also a little blurry, so I found a feature called sharpness. The number was on -100 for some reason. I then moved it to 57 for more understanding of the image.

I think that my image is now good with the edits, so I will have this image as my final image.

Peer Review 3: " Change the font of the pull quote to comic-sans to reduce the formality of the quote"

Sadly, I felt that this was not an effective addition to my 2-page spread. Formality is a very important aspect of science and reducing the formality would just make the audience have less faith in the authors. I will keep the original font of the pull quote the same. Because I have no more effective feedback, I will have the final spread below. Thank you.

Final Spread:


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